Screenwriting: Advanced Screenplay Workshop


Course Details

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About this Course

A professional screenwriter typically has eight to 10 weeks to turn in a feature draft. In this course, you’ll have the same deadline. 

Throughout the course, you’ll follow the same path as a professional screenwriter. You’ll develop your story and an outline, then write a first draft of an original feature-length screenplay, television pilot or play.

This is an instructor-guided workshop. You’ll learn how to give and receive script notes in a collaborative, professional manner.

Designed For 

Experienced writers who have previously completed at least one feature screenplay, stage play or television pilot. Students who have already taken this course can take it again to develop another new script.

What You’ll Learn 

  • How to develop, outline and write a feature-length screenplay in the industry-standard 10-week timeframe 
  • Strategies for collaborating with other creative professionals, including producers, actors, directors and other writers 


Connect with an enrollment coach to learn more about this offering. Or if you need help finding the right certificate, specialization or course for you, reach out to explore your options.

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