Certificate in Gerontology

Gain Knowledge and Skills for Working With Older Adults


Program Details

  • Location: Online
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Times: Flexible
  • Cost: $3,996

Next start date:

September 2025

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About this Program

People who work with older adults often get great satisfaction from making a positive difference in their lives. As the population of older adults in the United States and worldwide continues to grow, there will be greater need for professionals with expertise in gerontology.

In this three-course certificate program, you’ll examine the specific challenges and opportunities involved in supporting older adults and their family members. We’ll look at the relevant psychological, biological and social factors that affect the aging process so you have the knowledge you need to better serve older adults in fields such as human services, health and wellness, housing and recreation.

▸ Related Article: Discover a Meaningful Career Serving Older Adults


 Anyone who provides services to older adults in a professional, community or personal capacity.

See Requirements

Video Overview

Nancy Hooyman, Professor in Gerontogy and Dean Emeritus at the UW School of Social Work, describes the growing need for expertise in the field.

Duration: 03:01

What You'll learn

  • Biological aspects of aging and age-associated functional changes, including illnesses common among older adults
  • Different psychological theories of aging and mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and dementia
  • Social and cultural factors that influence family relationships and the quality of life for older adults

Earn Credit Toward Your Degree

By completing courses in this certificate program, you can earn credit toward your bachelor’s degree. Each course is worth three undergraduate credits. Because policies vary, check with your degree program to make sure the credits will apply. 


You can apply for a $500 scholarship from the H. Asuman Kiyak Endowed Student Support Fund to help pay for this program. Learn more about the scholarship.  

Program Overview

Complete the courses listed below to earn the certificate.

Learning Format

Online With Real-Time Meetings

Online Synchronous

Combine the convenience of online learning with the immediacy of real-time interaction. You’ll meet with your instructor and classmates at scheduled times over Zoom. Learn More »

Program Sessions

Online Synchronous

Closed Sessions

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